Urban Mobility Solutions for Liveable Cities: The challenge of low emission zones
We want to present the new activity incoming for the next month on 6, 7, 8 of October in Madrid.
The event will consist on a three-day intensive multidisciplinary seminar for identifying and designing urban mobility solutions in the context of Madrid Low Emission Zone.
The objective of this seminar is to promote the student learning in a real problem, searching firsthand the solutions and knowing new people and cases of others countries, members of the EELISA Community such as ITU ,BME, ENPC.
The participants will be students and teaching staff from prominent universities of the EELISA network, and stakeholders from multiple disciplines, such as Urban Planning, Transport Planning, Civil, Environmental, and Industrial Engineering.
This activity will be recognised with a badge for your EELISA Credential (Academic recognition of the participation in innovation based activities organized by communities such as EELISA on-the-MOVE).