EELISA Communities

EELISA Communities – just another fancy word for networks?

EELISA Community members share a common interest and offer or participate in learning, research, innovation and third mission activities in the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance. By doing so, EELISA Communities contribute to a common mission that is based on solving diverse challenges. EELISA Communities are open places that embrace the inclusion of different stakeholders – academics, students, staff members and external university ecosystem players from EELISA universities.

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SSERIES: Science for Sustainably Envisioning Reality and Information for an Engaged Society
132 members
We wish to create a more sustainable and responsible world by promoting scientific culture. We believe that when …
DIGITAL4PPP (People Planet Performance)
117 members
Our goals: (what do we want to achieve?) (1) research and share practices for improving students’ skills and …
106 members
EELISA-on-the-MOVE: Planning urban transitiONs for THE MOst inclusiVE and sustainable mobility According to the UN, by 2050, two in three people …
Sustainable Buildings, Cities and Communities
171 members
The main objective of our EELISA Community “Sustainable Buildings, Cities, and Communities” is to foster a multidisciplinary ecosystem …
Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Future
228 members
Materials Science touches every aspect of human life, from renewable energy, to energetic efficiency, nanotechnology, health, construction, transportation, …
281 members
The AI4Health community covers the whole range of theoretical and practical aspects, technologies, and systems related to the …
187 members
The mission of the EELISA-Community AI4Manufacturing is to improve Europe’s mid and long-term competitiveness by utilising the opportunities …
Archaeology and Architecture
112 members
The main objective of our EELISA Community “Architecture and Archaeology. Methodology and Perspectives on Mediterranean Cultural Heritage” is …

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EELISA is proud to be part of the European Universities, an initiative that aims to strengthen the strategic partnerships between institutions to increase the international competitiveness of European higher education.

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