bauhaus – new ways in education and management

The mission of the EELISA community “bauhaus - new ways in education and management” is the adaptation of the extraordinary training and teaching concept of the Bauhaus Weimar-Dessau-Berlin to areas outside of architecture, handicrafts, and creative design. The focus is on the areas of the MINT (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, and technology) area. The core is the synthesis of “the workshop”, design theory and management methodology, which have a characteristic fingerprint for each area, and which formed a triad in the original Bauhaus that still reverberates and defines today - more than 100 years after the founding of the Bauhaus in Weimar – what is “modern”. The revival of “the workshop” established by the Bauhaus in the sense of “the engineer's studio” and the theory-led synthesis with subject-specific design processes and modern methods of didactics and management result in new ways of creative cooperation between teachers and learners. With this, the EELISA community “bauhaus – new ways in education and management” would also like to make a contribution to recruiting young people in the MINT field, which appeals to both young women and young men, and it is precisely in this point that it picks up on and continues the tradition of the Bauhaus.
The EELISA community "bauhaus - new ways in education and management" offers a platform for all those who take up the Bauhaus idea, want to further develop and implement it for their discipline and are looking for an exchange. The “µe-bauhaus erlangen-nürnberg” established at FAU provides the EELISA community with a real-life laboratory that uses the Bauhaus concept to break new ground in practical and theoretical training in modern micro - and nanoelectronics.