

POST WORKSHOP II: PARTNERSHIPS IN PRACTICE Date: March 09 - 10, 2023Venue:  ItdUPM Madrid (with Hybrid Open Sessions) Introduction and overview During the first POST workshop in Florence, we discussed a number of theoretical perspectives and ...

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    Date: March 09 - 10, 2023
    ItdUPM Madrid (with Hybrid Open Sessions)

    Introduction and overview

    During the first POST workshop in Florence, we discussed a number of theoretical perspectives and had a first exchange among group members to share our understanding of partnerships in different contexts, key foundational elements, key success factors and main challenges involved.

    During the second workshop in Madrid, we will consolidate and enlarge our conceptual base by adopting a practical and context-sensitive approach. During day 1, we propose an initial practical workshop facilitated by partnership experts. After a reflection on the different meanings and configurations of partnerships and the importance of the context, the workshop will be devoted to unfolding the concept of “Partnership’s lifecycle”, a well-known framework in the frontier between practice and academia.

    Day 2 will be the opportunity for reaching out, exchanging experiences around a selection of real cases, and enlarging our academic network. Suggestions for case studies include several partnerships from the ItdUPM, FAU, and SNS networks. We suggest enlarging this empirical base by including other case studies in different contexts suggested by POST partners.

    The Madrid Workshop includes Hybrid Sessions open to the public with Zoom registration:

    Day 1 | Thursday 9th March 2023

    S0: Internal meeting (Closed Event)
    S1: Welcome to itdUPM (Carlos Mataix, Director of itdUPM) | Meeting with Sofía d’Aguiar (EELISA Executive Director)  | (Closed Event)

    S2: Open session (hybrid) “Partnerships in context: an approach to transformation”
    14:30 - 15:30
    Where: itdUPM (map) and Zoom (registration

    Guest speakers: Leda Stott (European Commission), Dr. Markus Krajewski (FAU), Dr Markus Beckmann (FAU)
    Introduction and moderation: Javier Mazorra, Teresa Sánchez, Fiorenzo Polito

    S3: Workshop “Partnership’s lifecycle”  | Facilitated by Leda Stott and Javier Mazorra | (Closed Event)

    Day 2 | Friday 10th March 

    S4: Open Session-hybrid (round table): “Partnerships between theory and practice”
    Time: 9:45 - 11:45
    Where: itdUPM (map) and Zoom (registration)

    Guest speakers (TBC): 

    • Gabriella Doci (KTH – Viable Cities): Transitions management and creation of transition arenas.
    • Valery Pueyo (Université de Lyon- Urban Intelligence Laboratory)
    • Miguel Soberón (ItdUPM): Ecologies of intermediaries and El Día Después
    • Bruna Singh (FAU- International Doctorate Program - Business and Human Rights): Multistakeholder Partnerships: A Valuable Tool for Enhancing Leverage in Business and Human Rights
    • Nelson Okeyo (FAU- International Doctorate Program - Business and Human Rights): ICT Partnerships in Africa, Legitimacy and The Way Forward
    • Laura Mendoza Sandoval (Scuola Normale Superiore)

    S5: Final debrief-Preparation for the Nüremberg Spring School | (Closed Event)

    For more information, please contact:
    Dr Teresa Sánchez 


    The Partnerships Orchestrating Sustainability Transformations (POST) is a collaboration between Scuola Normale Superiore, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, funded by EELISA European University.

    Sustainability challenges are complex, wicked and transboundary in nature. Responding to them effectively requires the involvement and cooperation of different stakeholders - private companies, international organizations, civil society groups, academia, government bodies and local communities. UN SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals – calls for strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. Specifically, Goal 17.17 sharpens the focus on the promotion of effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships and understanding such partnerships as a place of mutual learning processes to accelerate sustainable development. POST is dedicated to understanding cross-sector partnerships for sustainability transformations through exploring its meaning, dimensions, context and nature in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa through interdisciplinary research, exchange and collaboration.

    POST proposes to organize 4 distinct activities between September 2022 – April 2023:

    1. Project initiation session (Online; Led by FAU)
    2. Workshop 1 & Research visit (Hybrid; Led by Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence)
    3. Workshop 2 & Research visit (Hybrid; Led by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Madrid)
    4. Spring School (in-person; Led by FAU in Nürnberg)
    09 Mar - 10 Mar 2023
    With Hybrid Session on Day 1 (Thu) and Day 2 (Fri)
    ItdUPM- Technology Innovation for Development Center Madrid
    ItdUPM- Technology Innovation for Development Center Av. Complutense s/n. Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid