EELISA Community

STAR – Sustainable Territories through Action & Research

STAR’s mission is to train tomorrow’s experts in sustainable territorial development through an integrated approach to knowledge and practices. This training is based on the strong will of the founding members to decompartmentalise the academic and ...

STAR’s mission is to train tomorrow’s experts in sustainable territorial development through an integrated approach to knowledge and practices. This training is based on the strong will of the founding members to decompartmentalise the academic and operational worlds. The sectorisation of knowledge and practices leads to a silo approach, which can be an obstacle to a rapid and necessary transition of spatial production systems. The complexity of the world and the rapid transformations taking place require a synergistic approach between the different actors. This EELISA Community wishes to become a platform for exchange between these actors (researchers, practitioners, technicians, associations, etc.) with a view to producing innovative research and action methods for the sustainability of territories. We favor an integrated approach to the challenges of transition and sustainable development through the human and social sciences. The proposed training courses are voluntarily transdisciplinary in order to promote the circulation of ideas from different academic fields that deal with the sustainability of territories. Sustainability is also considered at several spatial scales allowing a real mixture of disciplines: the “macro” one at the whole territory (geographical and ecological approaches), the “meso” one at the city scale (urban planners’ approaches but also sociological, philosophical and economic ones) and the more “micro” one of architecture (architectural, ethnographic and engineering approaches). Students will be asked to design urban projects based on the concepts and practices discussed in the seminars.

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    Activities in STAR – Sustainable Territories through Action & Research

    Seasonal School “CROSSROADS” – The Never Ending EU Crises and the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    May - May 2022
    The Seasonal School aims to offer a critical assessment of the current governance structure of the EU and ...
    EELISA Lecture “IP meets Engineering”
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Jul 2022
    If you would like to register as an EELISA student, please register here until the 10.04.2022. The lecture ...
    Course (certified) on Tech Diplomacy
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2021 - Mar 2022
    The Certificate on Science and Tech Diplomacy offers a unique opportunity to become a specialist in the rapidly ...
    Final Degree’s Project (TFG): Research on activated carbon from waste biomass for electrocatalytic applications
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The student will participate in the research group ACOM to collaborate on the present project, always supervised by ...
    Master thesis “Fabrication and characterization of the sputter yield for 3D tungsten nanostructures”
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The student will be introduced in the research world focusing on the development of more radiation-resistant materials to ...
    Master thesis “Study of the influence of grain boundaries in coexistence He and H in nanostructured tungsten”
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The student will be introduced in the research world focusing on the development of more radiation-resistant materials to ...
    Meeting with Spin-Offs directors. Spin-off venture creation in a university context-An entrepreneurial process view
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Directors will present to students their background and experience in creating a Spin-Off. After this, a time will ...
    Participation in European project: “Innovation in future engineers’ training for contemporary city’s problems (GLOCAL)”
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Summer school with multidisciplinary groups regarding teaching technical subjects in English and how to communicate your ideas effectively.
    Principal reseacher in project “Circular economy in residential building works”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Data collection and analysis of waste generated on site and its management.
    SPARKS: An international parkour around Circular Economy
    Course / Seminar
    Sep - Sep 2021
    The students completed a series of activities in gymkhana or parkour format, answering questions and challenges based on ...
    3VIA: A trivia trilogy to enhance knowledge and awareness on the circular economy
    Nov - Nov 2021
    The students completed a series of activities in gymkhana or parkour format, answering questions and challenges based on ...
    Transforming the construction value chain through technology: closing the loop of construction and demolition waste (CDW)
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Under the framework of The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), it was proposed to the students of ...
    Open for application
    Circular & Socio-Civic Learning Hub – CIR.CLE
    Feb 2022 - Feb 2025
    This project commits to empower new generations of professionals working in a circular transition with a socio-civic compromise. ...
    Proposal for the Business Chair of Circular Economy of the Comunidad de Madrid
    Jan - Feb 2021
    The proposal for the Business Chair of Circular Economy of the Comunidad de Madrid formalizes the commitment of ...
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Climathon is a global hackathon initiative promoted by EIT Climate-KIC that takes place in many different cities around ...
    Introduction to Seminars on Campus Sustainability
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Set of seminars to introduce students to the actions that will contribute to the transformation of university campuses ...
    “Gymkhana of sustainability for families in the open air” European research night
    Social event
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The European Researchers' Night is a pan-European event of which the 12th edition took place place on the ...
    “Have you ever wondered what the forms of sustainability are” Madrid Science and Innovation week.
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The activity aimed to build narratives together with citizens around technological solutions that contribute to the adaptation and ...
    “Building new energy models in cities” seminar at UPM
    Course / Seminar
    Jun - Jun 2021
    On June 29th, 2021, the 23rd edition of the UPM Seminars: Technology and Innovation for the SDGs program ...
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The Climate Fresk is an innovative, efficient and accessible tool to understand the scientific bases underlying climate change. ...
    DANOSA Contest
    Jan - Dec 2021
    In this call of the DANOSA Innovation Competition for Students, an Energy Refurbishment will be requested, preferably in ...
    Lunch Talks #2 – Exploring Urban Sustainability
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2023
    Set of online courses aiming to introduce students to the possible actions that will contribute to urban transformation ...
    Hackathon: Designing a sustainable campus
    Jan - Dec 2021
    This workshop will be organized following a hackathon format and oriented to design innovative solutions to one or ...
    “Transforming school environments and university campuses into resilient and healthy places through NBS” UPM seminar
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2022
    In November 2022, EELISA DISCOVERY and research community UPM TULE will organize the seminar “Transforming school environments and ...
    Flagship Project: Hack the City Hackathon
    May - May 2021
    HACK THE CITY was the first activity carried out within the EELISA-on-the-MOVE community. It consisted of a 2-day ...
    International Seminar: Moving towards New Urban Centralities – Multimodal Stations
    Oct - Oct 2021
    Three-day long (14th - 16th October 2021) international seminar that took place at the UPM School of Architecture ...
    Flagship Project: Business Model
    Jan - Dec 2021
    This activity consists in developing a business model for the proposals made in the Flagship Project 2. Deliverables: ...
    Service-Learning (ApS) as a tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The overall objective of this course is to provide a useful tool to facilitate the students' commitment towards ...
    iTEACH. School-based support at Casa San Cristóbal
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    San Cristóbal de los Ángeles, in Villaverde district, is probably the most depressed neighbourhood in Madrid, which has ...
    iDEA Challenge Hackathon
    Oct - Oct 2021
    This Hackathon consists of a competition during which students, working in groups, will have to solve a technological ...
    Challenge: Design your Acoustic Friendly City
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The project aims to raise awareness of personal responsibility and self-control as a way of solving acoustic problems ...
    Student Mentoring Project: Get active
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The project has a twofold objective. On the one hand, the goal is to improve the employability and ...
    Project seminar: How to set up a citizen laboratory?
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Citizen laboratories (CL) provide meeting places for cooperation, experimentation and collaborative prototyping of projects that seek to improve ...
    Social Science Garage Emergency Workshop for Engineers (SS4E)
    Mar - Mar 2023
    The SS4E is a 2 day hybrid hands-on course/workshop that will assist students and researchers at various levels ...
    Global Challenge Action
    Oct 2022 - May 2023
    Global Challenge is an inter-university transformative learning program that fosters competencies in sustainability, creating meaningful learning environments that ...
    Curso de otoño: Smarter Health caring for Smarter Cities
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    El curso ONLINE es un espacio de diálogo para discutir posibles soluciones a necesidades insatisfechas en el cuidado ...
    EIT Health UPM “Innovation Days” – 4th Edition
    Nov - Nov 2021
    The 4th edition of the “Innovation Days” will take place on November 12th (14:00-20:30) and 13th (9:30-14:00), funded ...
    39 Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica
    INGENIA- Hospital del Futuro and Retos
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Students engage in a real-life project with a real challenge proposed by an external provider. In particular, we ...
    Smarter Health Caring for Smarter Cities (SC2)
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The course is a space for dialogue to discuss possible solutions to unmet needs in health care. It ...
    Hospital interships
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Hospital interships where students make activities with high impact.
    Course: Tools for Big Data Analytics
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The teams are challenged with an industrial problem that could be improved by using Big Analytics. Indeed they ...
    Business for engineers | Studying with simulation games
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Based on the successful use of business simulation games in UPM Schools, it´s proposed to create a virtual ...
    Crowdsourcing and Championship against disinformation
    Sep 2022 - Aug 2023
    The spread of disinformation and misinformation has become a complex social challenge that can negatively affect health, climate, ...
    Citizenship laboratory: ExperimentaMates+SDG
    Oct - Nov 2023
    ExperimentaMates+SDG is a Citizen Laboratory promoted by SSERIES community.  This year 2023 Citizenship Lab Experimenta Mates in the ...
    Math and Dance
    Sep 2021 - Dec 2022
    Documentary and educational dance show in which the relationship between dance and science is developed. Mathematical dissemination through ...
    MATCULTU: Math for everyone
    Jan - Dec 2022
    Service learning project where students will participate to bring knowledge to all audiences. They will develop workshops, courses, ...
    Aula Taller Museo de las Matemáticas
    Sep 2021 - Aug 2022
    Collaboration in the Aula Taller Museo de las Matemática is a space dedicated to science that works with ...
    New edition of Art&Science contest
    Oct 2022 - Aug 2023
    Art & Science is an activity of the SSERIES community, organised jointly with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the ...
    Journal of Educational Research and Innovation “Pensamiento Matemático”
    Sep 2021 - Aug 2022
    The Journal of Educational Research and Innovation “Pensamiento Matemático” (PM) is the journal of the Educational Innovation Group- ...
    Aprendemos juntos para cambiar nuestro mundo. Mentoría de proyectos ApS en la escuela.
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The activity involves the collaboration between UPM undergraduate students and "Empieza por Educar (ExE)" foundation, through its project ...
    Actividad verano 2022. El papel de la ingeniería en el nuevo marco de innovación europeo.
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    This course is oriented to get to know the singularities of innovation projects, the cooperation in teams needed ...
    ApS “Aula de Resiliencia Urbana. Regenerando San Isidro”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan 2021 - Dec 2022
    Main goals of the course: Make participants aware of the importance of considering dimensions related to climate change ...
    Teaching Innovation Project “Climate of Change”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan 2021 - Dec 2022
    Teaching Innovation Project "Climate of Change" is part of the European Program "Development Education and Awareness Raising -DEAR- ...
    Resiliencia Urbana – Regenerando nuestros barrios.
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2020 - Feb 2021
    The activity is proposed as a teaching innovation project that will integrate the didactic itinerary of two subjects ...
    Young Innovator
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The objectives of this project are to develop an analytical and reflective view of the environmental situation of ...
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    This activity consists of the deployment of an instance of the MIT Colab platform customized to be used ...
    Smart Campus Software Architecture Design
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The main objective of the assignment is the application of the concepts studied in the current course that ...
    EELISA Disciplinary Broadening Workshop on Digital Philology: European Textual Tradition and Manuscript Cultural Heritage
    Jun - Jun 2022
    The main objective of the workshop is to foster a multidisciplinary approach towards the study of the European ...
    Solar Decathlon Europe
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Participate in the competition Solar Decathlon Europe. Deliverables: Building a sustainable "Living Demonstration Unit" and taking part in ...
    Partimonio Cultural, Ciudad Construida, Arquitectura Contempránea y Paisaje
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The course focuses on the development of contemporary architecture projects that involve the recovery and reuse of cultural ...
    Hacia la transición ecológica en el Pabellón Nuevo de la ETSAM
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Final degree Thesis focused on the energy efficiency of the departmental Building of the School of Architecture throughout ...
    SEPAS – Summer Energy Poverty Agents
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    A household is considered to be in fuel poverty when it is unable to access basic energy services ...
    Taller experimental. Bóvedas tabicadas
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Los estudiantes diseñan y construyen bóvedas tabicadas de distintos tipos para cubiertas en arquitectura.
    Taller Experimental de Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The course focuses on the development of conservation and restoration projects that involve the recovery and reuse of ...
    Guided tours of Madrid’s bridges: heritage, technology, culture and society [UPM ApS project to be carried out in 2022].
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2022
    Bridges that unite. Connections between civil engineering students and society, learning and service links. It is proposed that ...
    New smart and sustainable measures for the management of historic parks: the case of El Retiro Park in Madrid.
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The research delves into the concepts of smart city and smart parks and then identifies the measures that ...
    Green-Pscyt Pre-Certification Self-Assessment
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    In the last semester of the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, students have a subject that integrates the knowledge ...
    Green-Mucta Pre-Certification Self-Assessment
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    In the UPM’s Oficial Master Degree in Construction and Building Technologies - MUCTA, students learn to think in ...
    Collaboration agreement University-Company for Final Degree/Master Project completion: Design solutions to improve the environmental integration of Building/Infrastructure Plans and Projects
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The Collaboration agreement between the ETSIMFMN -Projects and Planning Department and the company Evaluación Ambiental SL allows the ...
    Summer School on Semantic Linked Building Data
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Summer School in Cercedilla focusing on Semantic Technologies and interoperability for the building industry. Open to abroad students ...
    TFG “Rehabilitación energética del pabellón nuevo de la ETSAM”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The Final Degree Work or Diploma Project (TFG) will consist of the elaboration, presentation, and defense in a ...
    TFG “Integración eólica y solar fotovoltaica en edificios residenciales”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The Final Degree Work or Diploma Project (TFG) will consist of the elaboration, presentation and defense in a ...
    Linked Solar Teams
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2022
    Solar Decathlon (SD) is a universities competition created by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2002, and nowadays ...
    Solar Decathlon Patrols
    Jan - Dec 2022
    Solar Decathlon (SD) is a university competition created by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2002, and nowadays ...
    Housing for the Third (Machine) Age
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Workshop module of the Master's Degree in Advanced Architectural Projects to be developed in the first semester of ...
    La ciudad del jubileo: arquitectura para el envejecimiento en áreas rurales
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Trabajo Fin de Master del MPAA (Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados), centrado en la investigación y propuesta de ...
    Solar Decathlon 2023: Competition Interdisciplinary Experimental Workshop
    Jun - Jun 2022
    The Solar Decathlon Europe 2023 will be activated as a design theme on an interdisciplinary experimental workshop, in ...
    Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2022 Enhancing Sustainability
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2022 Enhancing Sustainability will be on 6th and 7th October 2022. Particles and particle-based ...
    Monitoring of the citizens response to urban stimuli
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Monitoring of the response of citizens to urban space and materials will be measure. Specifically, the stimuli generated ...
    TFG “Las viviendas de San Blas: diseño y rehabilitación de instalaciones”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The Final Degree Project or Diploma Project (TFG) will consist of the preparation, presentation and defense in a ...
    Global Challenge Formación
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2022 - May 2023
    Global Challenge Formación offers different courses along the academic year with various topics that aim to make students ...
    Final Thesis in International Cooperation for Development
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Development of a final thesis (bachelor or master) in a poor context in Latin America or Africa, working ...
    Course (certified) on Tech Diplomacy
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The Certificate on Science and Tech Diplomacy offers a unique opportunity to become a specialist in the rapidly ...
    Master Thesis on AI for public services
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The “Master program on AI for public services (AI4Gov)” is a project from three leading European Universities in ...
    Entrepreneurship incubation program in Shanghai (XiJi Incubator)
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    This is an incubation program for entrepreneurs and startups interested in Asian markets. The program provides networking with ...
    Tech Diplomacy Conference in Switzerland – 2 Day Event
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    As a part of the European trend on reinventing democracy, this is an event to gather key individuals ...
    EELISA Unfolds
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    EELISA UNFOLDS is set to become a leading European initiative in the transformation of higher education institutions (HEIs) ...
    Course on “Introduction to Intra/Social/Entrepreneurship”
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    After completion of the course, students are expected to understand and be able to use a number of ...
    Ciclo de Conferencias Casa Asia sobre Innovación Tecnológica
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Ciclo de conferencias sobre el uso y el estado de la innovación tecnológica en Asia. Se han cubierto ...
    Ciclo de Conferencias Fundación Consejo España – China sobre innovación tecnológica
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Ciclo de conferencias sobre la innovación tecnológica en diferentes sectores de interés en China: AI, aeroespacio, 5G, agri-food, ...
    Hackathon on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Deserted Areas
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Hackathon to use entrepreneurial tools to propose new solutions for the development of deserted (lack of water) areas. ...
    EELISA Science Fiction Short Stories Contest
    Apr 2021 - Jan 2022
    In order to raise awareness on the potential of technology to impact societies and stress the value of ...
    Retos de la Accesibilidad en el día a día: Accesibilidad Accesible
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Students payed attention to the fundamentals of accessibility and discussed its aplication to key societal challenges starting from ...
    Volunteer Program of the Universities of Madrid
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The learning method is conditioned to the destinations and organizations involved in the process, being specific for each ...
    Workshop: The Tao of Artificial Intelligence, Tech Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
    Jun - Jun 2021
    AI is already changing the face of conflict dynamics. As regards security and defence —including the management of ...
    Science Diplomacy as an Intercultural Encounter – Open Conference at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Nov - Nov 2021
    InsSciDE's second Open Conference brings intercultural encounters and academic training in science diplomacy into the spotlight. An interdisciplinary ...
    Seminario sobre Diplomacia Tecnológica
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Seminario sobre diplomacia tecnológica dentro del curso de la Escuela Diplomática para nuevos diplomáticos.
    Reflexión, debate y publicación en inglés en el blog de la comunidad EELISA de cuestiones publicadas en el blog “Accesible” de Miguel Ángel Valero
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Que los estudiantes lean el blog "Accesible", reflexionen sobre accesibilidad para todos los públicos, traduzcan al inglés y ...
    EELISA Challenge. Transforming the construction value chain through technology: closing the loop of construction and demolition waste (CDW). European Week for Waste Reduction 2021
    Nov 2021 - Jan 2022
    With this action, we intend to raise awareness among our students and trigger their creativity around the challenges ...
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Group of students, faculty members and staff @Industriales aiming at implementing the Circular Economy principles (and strategy) in ...
    Food Waste Hackaton @EELISA: Too Good to Go
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Food waste is a persistent wicked problem in the global agenda linked to both ethical and environmental issues. ...
    The Perfect Circle: learning how regeneration expands plastics lifespan
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    This is an outreach activity framed in the yearly “Semana de la Ciencia y de la Innovación 2021”, ...
    “Conversaciones para la Circularidad” – with Ecoembes
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Several students of the Circularizte initiative participated as facilitators and rapporteurs in the working groups of this seminar, ...
    Manual transport of drinking water in countries without a distribution network
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Development of adequate technologies for the manual transport of drinking water for self-consumption from the source of supply ...
    Use of rainwater resources
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Development of adequate technologies for the use of rainwater, especially aimed at countries with low economic resources and ...
    Freshwater fish community maps
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    A detailed description of the freshwater fish community at a given water body will be provided. A map ...
    Understanding active geomorphological erosion processes in polar areas for surveillance and forecasting under the impact of a changing climate.
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    MSc or PhD project proposal to develop in 1 or 3 years, respectively. Deliverables: MSc or PhD manuscript, ...
    Hackathon: water challenges in the 21st century
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    The activity seeks to promote cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and, of course, decentralized collaboration to address the challenges of water ...
    Extreme Events Gamified Preparedness
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Two training activities will take place around the game. The first one before the game, aimed at explaining ...
    Ecological integrity of streams and lakes
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Dec 2021
    Determination of the ecological integrity of river-type water bodies through the design of indicators, data collection and analysis. ...
    Towards nitrogen neutrality in agricultural systems, a way for sustainable Food Production.
    Jun - Jun 2022
    Training workshops to increase the knowledge of students on i) processes behind GHG emissions in cropping systems, ii) ...
    Online conferences organized by the Innovation and Design in European Engineering Education (IDEEE) community #3
    Jun - Jun 2022
    This second conference will be divided in two parts : “Variation in problem and project based learning in ...
    Supply Chain Resilience Game
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Dec 2022
    Innovative pedagogical game that introduces direct team competition as a gamification resource to foster learning in supply chain ...
    Archeology&Architecture Summer School
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Sep - Oct 2022
    Archaeology&Architecture community is opening a Summer School at Agrigento Archeological Site at the end of September 2022.  The ...
    International Seminar: Digitalization as Key Driver in the Steel Industry: Cases from some RFCS funded projects.
    Jun - Jun 2022
    The steel industry is experiencing a rapid worldwide evolution in terms of management structures, technology and business. In ...
    Can AI counteract discrimination against women?
    Jul - Jul 2022
    Siemens and Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) cordially invite you to the FemTechTalk event. The talk format focuses on ...
    EELISA’s Carbon Footprint Alliance – looking for partners
    Sep 2022 - Jul 2023
    Dear all, my name is Sergio Alvarez, I work as assistant professor in the School of Civil Engineering ...
    EELISA Innovation Talks #2 – The Future of E-Mobility: Great Challenges and Opportunities for European Societies
    Jul - Jul 2022
    At the latest with the recent decision of the European Parliament to ban the sale of new cars ...
    Collaboration to the organization of NanoSpain 2022 conference, the  reference meeting for nanoscience and nanotechnology in Spain
    May - May 2022
    Consolidated as a reference meeting of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N) in Spain. The conference NanoSpain 2022 seeks to ...
    Organization of seminar “Advanced Materials for the Energetic Crisis
    Jun - Jun 2022
    In collaboration with the UPM Advanced Materials research community
    Organization of the 1 week summer school on photovoltaics “Summer 
    School on III-Sb applications: Solar Cells”
    Jul - Jul 2022
    Renowned experts in the field of photovoltaics will present tutorials and talks introducing the fundamentals of the field, ...
    Archaeology&Architecture – Methodology and Perspectives on Mediterranean Cultural Heritage: Field Activity
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Sep - Oct 2022
    The main objective of our EELISA Community “Architecture and Archaeology. Methodology and Perspectives on Mediterranean Cultural Heritage” is ...
    Knowledge Bites: Benefits and opportunities for students participating in the EELISA Open Science Community (OSC)
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The event is designed to inform EELISA students about Open Science Community (OSC) in general, thus establishing a ...
    Challenge of Urban Mobility
    Apr - Apr 2022
    Our first flagship project of the second Call of EELISA will consist of several activities, with a level ...
    Development of Open Software GIS for Addressing Challenges in Land Use and Transportation Planning
    Apr - Apr 2022
    The second activity carried out within the EELISA-on-the-MOVE protocommunity this year was a workshop coordinated by Maria Amor ...
    Hackathon For Privacy
    May - May 2022
    The third activity of the second call of EELISA on-the-move was a two day hackathon (18th and 25th ...
    International Seminar: Key Drivers for Optimal Operation of Public Transport Systems
    Course / Seminar
    May - May 2022
    The fourth activity of the second call of EELISA on-the-move was the International Seminar with level 3 impact Key ...
    Essay competition for students on the topics of panel discussions of the Academic Forum on Crimea – 2022
    Social event
    Sep - Sep 2022
    As part of the Academic Forum on Crimea - 2022, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University and its student ...
    WomenHackAI Siemens Female Data Science Network
    Sep - Sep 2022
    Join the Siemens Female Data Science Network in tackling challenges of tomorrow’s industries and business practices. Entering our ...
    IACH – InnovACtion in Health care (Seasonal School)
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The IACH School will cover specific research topics underpinning public health care system, with an emphasis on the ...
    BEEP – Biology for human space exploration (Seasonal School)
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The Seasonal School BEEP will offer an overview of specific topics of experimental biology and biomedicine in support ...
    Calls for activities connected to the International Open Access Week (IOAW) 2022
    Social event
    Oct - Oct 2022
    We are inviting all EELISA members to be part of a joint event page where each institution can ...
    Mandatory Internship for Product Design at Innovation Think Tank
    Sep - Dec 2022
    Mode of Employment: Fixed Term / Full-time Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, ...
    Student Assistant / Internship – Graphical User Interface for an extreme edge IoT fair Demonstrator
    Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
    The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ( currently operates 76 institutes and research institutions throughout Germany and is the world’s leading applied research organization. Around 30 000 ...
    Interns – Field of VR Audio Technologies
    Sep 2022 - Mar 2023
    The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ( currently operates 76 institutes and research institutions throughout Germany and is the world’s leading applied research organization. Around 30 000 ...
    Mandatory Internship for Organization and Communication at Innovation Think Tank
    Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
    Mode of Employment: Fixed Term / Full-time Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, ...
    Mandatory Internship for Management and Operational Support at Innovation Think Tank
    Sep 2022 - Feb 2023
    Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, was selected to honor ...
    Urban Mobility Solutions for Liveable Cities: The challenge of low emission zones
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Oct 2022
    We want to present the new activity incoming for the next month on 6, 7, 8 of October ...
    International Open Access Week 2022: Open Access Lecture – Legal Issues, Quality Criteria, Funding at FAU online
    Oct - Oct 2022
    Open short lecture for interested researchers and students, with following Q&A session. Topics: Legal issues of Open Access ...
    How to set up a citizen laboratory (CL)?
    Jul - Jul 2022
    In this course, students will learn about citizen laboratories ways of doing and designing their own citizen laboratory ...
    3VIA 2022: A trivia night on the circular economy @ European Researchers’ Night 2022
    Sep - Sep 2022
    The first one held last year as part of the Madrid Science and Innovation Week 2021, 3VIA 2022 ...
    Innovation in mobility – guest lecture on impact investing & decarbonisation
    Jun - Dec 2022
    The seminar series "Innovations in Mobility" is an event consisting of six lectures for students and employees as ...
    CESM – Circular Economy and Sustainability Management (Seasonal School) in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The main target of the of the Circular Economy and Sustainability Management (CESM) Seasonal School is represented by ...
    PROREMOTE – PROximity care in REMOTE areas: A multidisciplinary approach to proximity care in remote areas
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Mar - Mar 2023
    Covid-19 highlighted how important it is to promote local health and ensure proximity to the patient. How is ...
    ARTIST – 5G/6G networks trAnsfoRming The dIgital SocieTy – Seasonal School in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jan - Feb 2023
    Future mobile network technologies (5G, 6G, etc.) will allow the creation of new applications that will transform the ...
    AgriDev – Climate resilient, biodiversity-based agriculture for sustainable development – Winter school in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Feb - Feb 2023
    Cropping systems in the XXI Century face complex challenges that cannot be addressed with unidimensional solutions. AgriDev program ...
    ECLIRE – The Ethics of Climate Change: Reshaping Responsibilities for Present and Future Generations – Winter School in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Feb - Feb 2023
    The seasonal school aims to train participants on the ethics of climate change through a triple perspective: individual, ...
    Seasonal School Management of Innovation and Common Good in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Feb - Mar 2023
    This Seasonal School addresses some of the main issues regarding innovation management and knowledge exchange (including technology transfer) ...
    MEDSKILL – Development of MEDical SKILLs by Simulation
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Mar - Mar 2023
    As of today, the need for practical skills and problem-solving capabilities remains largely unmet in many medical school ...
    IDEEE online conference – Innovation and Design in European engineering education
    Sep - Sep 2022
    FemTechTalk “Entrepreneurship x Female Power”
    Nov - Nov 2022
    The talk format focuses on creating an exchange between women in the working world, sharing experiences with young ...
    From minimally invasive surgery to nanorobotics. A voyage in the field of intervention robotics
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2023
    The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the highly interdisciplinary field of minimally invasive (robotic) interventions. Students will ...
    Seasonal School Issues on China – Innovation, Society and Culture in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2023
    Intensive program, that offers an introduction to economic, social, political and legal aspects of modern China through the ...
    AIRONE – Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Extended Reality Seasonal School in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2023
    In the forthcoming decade, technologies of eXtended Reality (XR), i.e., Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, and collaborative robots ...
    Frontiers in Time Series Modelling 15.1 – MLTS Invited Talk: Large-Area Touch Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Bionics and Collaborative Robotics. By Prof. Calogero Maria Oddo
    Feb - Dec 2022
    The recorded guest lecture is part of the course Machine Learning for Time Series at FAU and discusses ...
    Somatosensory science and artificial touch engineering: fertile synergies between neuroscience and biorobotics – guest lecture by Prof. Calogero M. Oddo
    Dec - Dec 2021
    The Sensory Sciences Lecture Series takes place on the second Thursday of each month at 16:15 Lectures are ...
    Mandatory Internship for Innovative Rapid Prototyping
    Sep 2022 - Apr 2023
    Mode of Employment: Fixed Term / 15h/week Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens ...
    Mandatory internship (f/m/d) Data Science in the context of forecasting of energy timeseries
    Sep 2022 - Mar 2023
    Into work, get set, go! Our interns have ideas, make things happen, and get involved – from the ...
    Mandatory Internship – Communication on digital transformation
    Sep 2022 - Apr 2023
    Mode of Employment: Fixed Term / 35h/week   Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens ...
    PSL visit and joint EELISA visit of 65. FAFA/VDFG congress in Saint-Brieuc
    Oct 2021 - Oct 2022
    On their first "working day", the participants of the 65th annual congress in St. Brieuc discussed questions of ...
    FAU visit of student Community on Energy Transition and International Exchange
    May - May 2022
    The EELISA Community for Energy Transition and International Exchange was created by students who met for the first ...
    EELISA Inclusiveness Forum
    Oct - Oct 2022
    How to create a campus environment that is welcoming and inclusive?How to adapt your teaching to meet the ...
    Optimizing the nitrogen management on the farm level by using proximal and remote sensing.
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The Sustainable Food Production Community organizes this seminar with Professor Urs Schmidhalter from the Technical University of Munich, ...
    The State of the Ocean: a series of lectures
    Course / Seminar
    Jun - Jun 2022
    An estimate of the state of the ocean, a deep dive into the Bayesian decision theory, and how ...
    Law & Economics of Nature: “The Question of Governing Space Debris”
    Course / Seminar
    May - May 2022
    "The Kessler Syndrome: Risks, Consequences and Solutions"March 24, 20225:30 pm CEST / 11:30 am EST(This seminar will be ...
    Managing Scarce Resources in the Climate Change Era: Theoretical, Ethical and Economic profiles
    Jun - Jun 2022
    /June 15 / 17h00 | Meet at “Aqua Mater” Sebastian Salgado exhibit Location : Parvis de la Defense, 21800 ...
    Tech for Sustainability Campaign & Hackathon 2023
    Oct 2022 - Mar 2023
    Tech for Sustainability is a global initiative for students, researchers, startups, and innovative individuals to leverage technology to ...
    Innovation & Leadership
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2022 - Feb 2023
    In this course, students will solve real-life challenges posed by the highest-tiers of our university or associated companies. ...
    Hospital internships
    Sep 2022 - Jul 2023
    This academic year we are once again promoting internships in hospitals, where students will be able to capture ...
    5G technology in the digital transformation of healthcare
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2022
    The aim of the course is to present the possibilities that 5G technology brings to the digital transformation ...
    Dec 2022 - Apr 2023
    This activity aims to analyze Sustainable Development Goals with mathematical approaches, and to propose solutions to reach them, ...
    Interactive Panel: Open Science Marathon for Early Career Researchers
    Oct - Oct 2022
    Aim of the panel is to create awareness on how daily open science practices will help the early ...
    Ethos + Tekhnè: a new generation of AI researchers
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Mar - Mar 2023
    In fulfilment of the EELISA Board Declaration, this school aims to align technical excellence with social impact in ...
    Metaverse & Sustainability student community kick-off event
    Oct - Oct 2022
    XV Emerson – Pneumobile international academic competition
    Sep - Oct 2022
    Emerson is excited to announce the 2022 Pneumobile Gala Event in Central Eastern Europe for Pneumobile Teams who ...
    Lecture series (E)U against CO2: “Let’s Make Europe Better Together!”
    Course / Seminar
    May - Jul 2022
    Protecting the environment is a goal that can only be reached if everyone pulls together – and this ...
    On-site visit to an industrialized construction
    Nov - Nov 2022
    In this activity, participants will have the opportunity to visit an industrialized construction site in Torrejón de Ardoz, ...
    Lunch Talks #1 – Introduction to Campus Sustainability
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2022
    The set of training courses aims to introduce students to the possible actions that will contribute to the ...
    International Open Access Week 2022: Open Science practices in the framework of Open for Climate Justice
    Oct - Oct 2022
    University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest will host the "Open Science and Open for Climate Justice" workshop, which will start ...
    Integrating Ethics, Human Rights and Social Impact Analysis in your Artificial Intelligence Research
    Nov 2022 - Mar 2023
    We propose a hands-on seminar / workshop for those students and early-stage researchers that are currently studying technologies ...
    Towards nitrogen neutrality in agricultural systems, a way for sustainable Food Production
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Training workshop to increase the knowledge of students on i)processes behind GHG emissions in cropping systems, ii) measurementtechniques ...
    Nodulated legumes: a tool for sustainable food production
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2022
    This activity offers students an opportunity to gain knowledge in a practical way. It is a face-to-face activity ...
    International Open Access Week 2022: What is Open Data, How Does It Support Science?
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The event, which aims to disseminate open access practices, is open to anyone interested in the subject and ...
    MERGING SENSORS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS: Young researchers’ perspective
    Oct - Oct 2022
    The IEEE Sensors Spain Chapter and the EELISA Advanced Materials Community have joined together and invited students and ...
    Python Module of IngeMat Programming Workshops 2022
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Welcome once again to the second edition of the IngeMat Programming Workshops! This year we have changed the ...
    International Open Access Week 2022: How to Open Science ?
    Oct - Oct 2022
    Virtual Lab Tour @ FAU Campus Nuremberg Thu, 27.10.2022 I 5:00 – 7:30 pm (CEST)
    Oct - Oct 2022
    As part of the FAU Siemens RIE Event Week we offer an exciting virtual lab tour! What’s in ...
    Summer School ESPOIR
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2022
    Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is recognized by the United Nations as a fundamental human right. It ...
    Introduction to Sustainability Management
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Feb 2022
    Students will acquire: knowledge in sustainability managementan understanding into the interdependencies of various corporate functions, particularly in the ...
    Be Circular Webinars
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2022 - Mar 2023
    A series of online seminars followed by practical activities in a 3-day workshop in Pisa on the circular ...
    HACKATHON EELISA Industrial Design for Human: Sustainable Communities
    Nov - Nov 2022
    "Industrial Design 4 Human" (ID4H) is a community that arises within UPM in the EELISA context, an alliance ...
    Roundtable: Challenges and advances in industrialized construction
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Industrialized construction (IC) promotes the advancement of construction processesby employing mechanization and automation. There are several intents behind ...
    Workshop on Technology and science diplomacy in an age of digital sovereignty and nuclear threats
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Deep transformations of international relationships together with the rapid evolution of innovations are leading to renewed geopolitical rivalries ...
    Green AI – AI for Sustainability and Sustainability of AI
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Feb 2022
    Content: Can we use AI to combat global climate change? How can advances in machine learning and data ...
    Our Office Workshop research
    Nov 2022 - Jun 2023
    For universities it is a great value to develop practical solutions for the current challenges of business life. ...
    Science for Peace, Past and Present
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Next November 10th will take place at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (UPM) the Opening ...
    Design thinking – Technology for elderly people
    Mar - Mar 2023
    This activity will provide EELISA students with principles and applied concepts of Design Thinking. Students will have the ...
    circular@[action] workshops | WS0.0: R-mechanisms
    Jan - Jan 2023
    circular@[action] is a series of integrated activities structured to introduce an innovative and creative platform to rethink education ...
    Meeting with entrepreneurs: HOW TO CREATE A STARTUP
    Nov - Nov 2022
     Four entrepreneurs will tell us about their experience in creating start-ups related to advanced materials technology. We will ...
    Winter School in Advanced Biomedical Engineering
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jan - Jan 2023
    The Winter School “Advanced Biomedical Engineering for the Society” will take place at UPB between 25-28.01.2023, jointly organized ...
    Jan - Jan 2023
    The ESA-ESAC - SUSTAINABLE BCC think tank is an educational activity topromote innovation and generate fresh ideas to ...
    Business Model World Café @FAU
    Jan 2023 - Nov 2022
    Entrepreneur, intrapreneur, freelancer, project team, founding team, start-up?! – this platform is for you. We help you getting ...
    Financial Modeling Workshop @FAU
    Jan - Jan 2023
    Entrepreneur, intrapreneur, freelancer, project team, founding team, start-up?! – this platform is for you. We help you getting ...
    Innovation Talk session#5 – Open innovation: a case study of exoskeletons from lab to market
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Blended Webinar for students, researchers, Phd and general public on the following themes: – Innovation and open innovation ...
    #2 Metaverse & Sustainability with Peter Schopf from SIEMENS MindSphere
    Nov - Nov 2022
    date: Monday, November 21, at 5 PM (CET) Our guest speaker is Peter Schopf, head of sales MindSphere ...
    Engineers becoming Quantum-aware
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Various applications of quantum technologies have already entered our lives.Some of these applications are still in the research ...
    Innovation and design in European Engineering education – 5th online conference
    Dec - Dec 2022
    In this conference, thow topics/experiences will be discussed/shared : 1- Innovation by Design: Why does it matter ? ...
    “Artificial Intelligence, Ethics & Human Rights” Student explanation videos
    Nov 2022 - Nov 2023
    From June 20th to 24th, 2022 the EELISA Summer School "Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Human Rights" organized by ...
    Travel Awards E|PTS Conference
    Nov - Dec 2022
    Travel Awards for E|PTS Conference in Bamberg (20 min from Erlangen), Germany Accommodation and travel cost support will ...
    ScapeRoom 2022: A vigorous escape from linear economy via international collaboration
    Nov - Nov 2022
    First held in 2021 as part of the European Researchers’ Night, ScapeRoom 2022 is the second public activity ...
    EELISA Days Challenge – Extreme Event Game
    Nov - Nov 2022
    Extreme Event is an award-winning in-person role-playing game that gives participants a taste of what it takes to ...
    Spyglass 2022-2023
    Dec 2022 - Dec 2023
    This activity encourages students and users of the UPM Radar of Economics @Intelligence to submit and publish their ...
    POST ROUNDTABLE AND WORKSHOP 1: Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Searching for Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives
    Jan - Jan 2023
    Day 1. Roundtable: “Partnerships for sustainable development: searching for theoretical and methodological perspectives” “Altana” Conference Hall and online ...
    Knowledge Bites #13 : Basics of Open Science and why you should become an advocate.
    Jan - Jan 2023
    This knowledge bites session aims to answer why we should be open science advocates and how to do ...
    Seasonal School PHOTONS-@3 Photonic Technologies for Sensing Applications Seasonal School in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    May - May 2023
    Photonic technologies have played a key role in the last decades to address the high demand for data ...
    Supply Chain Resilience Game
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2023
    The core of the activity is a supply chain game in which two teams of 3-4 students each, ...
    Open for application
    Ph.D. student Position in Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data and Decentralised Information Systems at FAU
    Jan 2023 - Feb 2027
    The Chair of Technical Information Systems at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg was founded in 2018 and closely cooperates with ...
    EELISA Roundtable Parenting and STEM in the 21st Century: Raising children, giving up science?
    Feb - Feb 2023
    A survey run among EELISA researchers and academic staff in September 2022 revealed that many researchers feel parenthood ...
    Open for application
    Job opening doctoral researchers / PhD students in the area of atomic-precision synthesis and exploration of new planar carbon lattices
    Apr 2023 - Mar 2026
    The Research Training Group on Planar Carbon Lattices (RTG2861-PCL) will offer 14 positions as Doctoral Researcher/PhD student starting ...
    Open for application
    Aug 2023 - Dec 2043
    The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is envisioning the possible opening of one position of Assistant professor with ...
    Course / Seminar
    Feb - Feb 2023
    This is the second International Seminar of the call for Co-Creation Seminars of Low Emission Zones. It will ...
    Fusion of Satellite Image Time Series and Multimodal Data for Urban and Forestry Sustainable Development
    Course / Seminar
    Feb - Feb 2023
    Satellite Image Time Series (SITS) contain valuable information on the Earth’s surface evolution over time. Various applications can ...
    ICDAR2023 Competition on Detection and Recognition of Greek Letters on Papyri
    Mar - Mar 2023
    This competition investigates the performance of glyph detection and recognition on a very challenging type of historical document: ...
    PhD Innovation Day
    Mar - Mar 2023
    💡 You're doing your doctorate at an EELISA university? 💡 Your research topic is too good to go, ...
    AI4Gov Start-Up Contest
    Feb - Mar 2023
    You have a great idea to support the use of AI in public services? Bring your idea to ...
    High-tech Entrepreneurship: Lecture #5 – Let’s do it seriously: going beyond the first steps and scaling up. How to deal with industrial and financial partners.
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2023
    This course is designed to introduce participants, PhD and undergraduate students from different disciplines (STEM, but also Social ...
    Course / Seminar
    Feb - Feb 2023
    Aquifers contain deep water resources, which makes it difficult to directly observe their dynamics, evolution and exploitation. their ...
    High-tech Entrepreneurship: Lecture #6 – Tips and tools for valorization of results in the LS sector
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2023
    This course is designed to introduce participants, PhD and undergraduate students from different disciplines (STEM, but also Social ...
    High-tech Entrepreneurship: Lecture #7 – Pitch it well: review your business plan to apply to competitions such as Start Cup Toscana 2023
    Course / Seminar
    May - May 2023
    This course is designed to introduce participants, PhD and undergraduate students from different disciplines (STEM, but also Social ...
    High-tech Entrepreneurship: Lecture #8 – Business angels and venture capitalists: how do they decide about financing your start-up?
    Course / Seminar
    May - May 2023
    This course is designed to introduce participants, PhD and undergraduate students from different disciplines (STEM, but also Social ...
    Practical work to create value by improving the understanding of the activities of the Numerical Control Machines
    Sep - Dec 2022
    Inside the master course Tools for Big Data Analytics, learners are exposed to a practical application. With the ...
    Urban Air Quality Modelling
    Mar - Mar 2023
    Air pollution is recognized as the first environmental health hazard. Most of its health impacts arerelated to exposure ...
    Mar - Mar 2023
    POST WORKSHOP II: PARTNERSHIPS IN PRACTICE Date: March 09 - 10, 2023Venue:  ItdUPM Madrid (with Hybrid Open Sessions) ...
    Online Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference
    Apr - Apr 2023
    The WiDS Conference, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, hosted by the FAU WiDS Ambassadors, is an independent event that is part ...
    Call for participants to attend Be Circular Seminars: the role of businesses and goverments. Call for students of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    Course / Seminar
    Mar - Mar 2023
    This call is addressed to students of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid for their participation as UPM representatives ...
    The International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Healthcare
    May - May 2023
    Organized in conjunction with the 24th edition of the Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, the AIMH ...
    Summer School Climate change and human rights – New Developments in Law, Litigation and Beyond in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the complex interplay between climate change and human rights. Recent legal, ...
    Be Circular Seminars: the role of businesses and governments
    Mar - Mar 2023
    The event aims to discuss circular economy from the perspective of businesses and governments to allow students to ...
    Summer School Cybersecurity – A multidisciplinary perspective in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The Seasonal School will deal with the issue of cybersecurity through a cross-disciplinary analytical and critical approach, combining ...
    Seasonal School Economics of Innovation and Technological Change in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The Seasonal School programme on “Economics of Innovation and Technological Change” addresses both the theoretical and the empirical ...
    R-Express workshop: A circular economy journey to reenvision destiny— Why? What? How? When?
    Mar - Mar 2023
    R-Express is the final public workshop of the CIRCULAR IN PLAY Project funded by the first EELISA Call for ...
    Open for application
    Working student (f/m/diverse) in Innovation & Incubation at evosoft in Nuremberg, Germany (Job ID: 359038)
    Dec 2023 - Dec 2024
    As a 100% subsidiary of Siemens AG, we design industrial digitalisation solutions at the highest level. Our focus ...
    Trabajo Fin de Titulación en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible (TFT-CIDS)
    Mar - Dec 2023
    Vinculado al Programa de Ayudas para estudiantes para la realización de Trabajo Fin de Titulación en Cooperación Internacional ...
    Open for application
    Job Opening: Doctoral Candidate in the Research Field of Production Automation at FAU
    Apr 2023 - Mar 2026
    The Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems is a teaching and research institution for automation technology and ...
    Open for application
    Job Opening: Doctoral Candidate in the Research Field of Electromechanical Engineering
    Apr 2023 - Mar 2026
    In the research sector of electromechanical engineering at the Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS), innovative ...
    Open for application
    12 scholarships for a PhD in Biorobotics 2023-24 funded by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and by BioRobotics Institute in Pisa
    Aug 2023 - Sep 2026
    The PhD in BioRobotics is a full-time mandatory attendance three-year programme. In line with the standards of excellence ...
    Creation and start-up of a Multidisciplinary Territorial Information System for the proposal of activities within the framework of the projects: “Metropolitan Forest” and “Producer Neighborhoods” (Madrid City Council)
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2023
    In this seminar, a multidimensional and interdisciplinary database will be generated including information such as satellite images and ...
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2022
    Get a taste of current debates on AI Ethics at an international level – with the chance to ...
    SSoLDAC – 3rd Summer School of Linked Data in Architecture and Construction
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2023
    This year, the third LDAC Summer School dedicated to the application of semantic web, linked data and web ...
    Workshop: “IT tools for teaching and learning in air transport” – University of Strasbourg
    Jun - Jun 2023
    Period: 8-9 June 2023 Place: University of Strasbourg Organisers: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UNESCO Chair), Universidad Politécnica de ...
    Workshop: “New occupation and qualification in green and smart air transport”
    Sep - Sep 2023
    Period: 27-28 september 2023 Place: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Organisers: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UNESCO Chair), Universidad Politécnica ...
    Summer School “Sustainable farming and food systems in the EU law and policy framework” in Pisa
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    Focus area Law, welfare & public management Venue Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Application deadline 12.06.2023 Period 24 -28 July ...
    Curso La Tierra como Material de Construcción en el Siglo XXI
    Course / Seminar
    Mar - Mar 2023
    El curso forma parte de las actividades organizadas por la Cátedra Universidad-Empresa PROIESCON y contará con la participación ...
    Open for application
    PhD Position in Organic
    Electrosynthesis – Heterogeneous
    Catalyst under Real-Time Monitoring
    Jun 2023 - May 2026
    Would you like to contribute to the energy transition in Germany through your work?Then the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg ...
    Open for application
    Research Assistant / PhD student (f/m/d) in the field of Applied Quantum Technologies at FAU
    Apr 2023 - Mar 2026
    The research group Applied Quantum Technologies (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Nagy) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is looking for ...
    Open for application
    PhD positions in Experimental Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits at FAU
    Jun 2023 - Apr 2026
    The Chair of Experimental Physics at Friedrich-Alexander-Univeristät Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) invites applications for PhD positions in Experimental Quantum Computing ...
    Interns (f/m/d) (Economics, Business Administration) at the Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics in Fürth, Germany
    May - Jul 2023
    We are looking for Interns (f/m/d) to support research projects at the Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social ...
    Storytelling Workshop with Karl Rabes (PhD) in the innovation context
    Apr - Apr 2023
    Storytelling is essential for humans because our brains are hardwired for narrative. Stories come in a variety of ...
    Mar - Nov 2023
    Critical Raw Materials (CRM) are strategically important raw materials for the economy, but are at high risk of supply ...
    Course / Seminar
    May - May 2023
    This is the third and last International Seminar of the call for Co-Creation Seminars of Low Emission Zones. ...
    An Introduction to Quantum Computation
    Course / Seminar
    Mar - Mar 2023
    This event consists of 3 sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours, which provide an introduction to the mathematical foundations ...
    SVCP2023 – Summer School on Video Coding and Processing
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The 8th ITG/VDE Graduate Summer School on Video Compression and Processing is aiming at providing a forum for ...
    Meeting between representatives of the two partner universities – University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
    Mar - Mar 2023
    Meeting between representatives of the two partner faculties University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi. This meeting ...
    Pitch workshop with Patrick Hümmer
    Apr - Apr 2023
    The pitch is a company’s business card and opens doors to investors, but also to customers or other ...
    2nd Erlangen Symposium of Women in Science with travel awards for EELISA guests
    Jun - Jun 2023
    Key topics of the symposium: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, Surface and Materials Science, Catalysis, Photochemistry, etc. ...
    Co-fabulating the waste terrain – a nebulous guide
    Apr - Apr 2023
    Circular@[action] is a series of integrated activities structured to introduce an innovative and creative platform to rethink education ...
    Open for application
    PhD Position – Organic and Perovskite solar cells in Erlangen at the Helmholtz (for Renewable Energy)
    May 2023 - Apr 2026
    Would you like to contribute to the energy transition through your work?Then the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg (for Renewable ...
    International Summer School “Nanotechnology” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    International Summer School “Technology applied to Health and Transport” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    International Summer School “Sustainable Energy Technologies and Optimization” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    International Summer School “Fundamentals of fashion design & communication” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    International Summer School “Cyberspace Security and Mobile Network Technologies” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    International Summer School “Artificial Intelligence” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    International Summer School “Patchwork City” at UPM
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The UPM International Summer Schools are multilingual study abroad programmes. They address some of the latest trends in ...
    Knowledge Bites # 14 : Open Innovation in Sustainability Context
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2023
    Open Innovation promises higher outcomes from innovation processes through collaboration and sharing of knowledge, information, and intellectual assets. ...
    Live cities: designing, building and living in the urban worlds of the future
    Course / Seminar
    Mar - Mar 2023
    Objectives : Explain and understand how the functioning of living organisms, human and non-human, from the molecular to ...
    Extended Paper Deadline: ISMT conference with travel awards for EELISA guests
    Sep - Sep 2023
    Medical technology is one of Germany’s most important economic sectors, with the aim of improving patient care and ...
    Starting Business Ideas @FAU
    Apr - Jul 2023
    Entrepreneur, intrapreneur, freelancer, project team, founding team, start-up?! – this platform is for you. We help you getting ...
    Apr - Apr 2023
    Apr - Apr 2023
    HACK|BAY – a hackathon for everyone – challenge to IMPROVE CHILDREN’S RADIOLOGY EXPERIENCE
    May - May 2023
    What the hack? At a hackathon, prototypes for given challenges are developed within a short period of time. ...
    HACK|BAY – a hackathon for everyone – challenge DISRUPTING HR PROCESSES WITH AI
    May - May 2023
    What the hack? At a hackathon, prototypes for given challenges are developed within a short period of time. ...
    EELISA Innovation Talk “Female Innovation”
    May - May 2023
    EELISA, Siemens, and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) cordially invite you to this EELISA Innovation Talk on the topic of ...
    2nd Workshop of the YRIS Community
    May - Apr 2023
    The objective of the YRIS Community is to lay down the foundations of a long term partnership between ...
    Virtual Reality – technology support for industry
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Mar - Mar 2023
    All over the world, VR/AR technologies are used today for training applications in a variety of process industries, ...
    #3 Gamified Education in Roblox with Zander Brumbaugh
    Dec - Dec 2022
    #4 Navigating the Metaverse: Insights from a Start-up
    Jan - Jan 2023
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    May - May 2023
    Treasure hunt, powered by Veeam
    Social event
    Apr - Apr 2023
    Trainee engineer for fuel cell test facility design
    Jun - Oct 2023
    The trainee will be aiding the technical director of the project in the engineering of the fuel cell-based ...
    Climate Change and Energy Transition Course
    Course / Seminar
    Jun - Jun 2023
    Free course aimed at undergraduate students in their 3rd or 4th year, Master's students and/or PhD students. Enrollment ...
    Printanière #1 Research seminar on Fashion and Materials
    May - May 2023
    (Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, salle A709 pour la conférence et Espace 7 pour les temps de convivialité) ...
    KNU – FAU Summer School 2023 «Democracy Building in Times of War»
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Aug 2023
    A two-week Summer School organized by KNU-FAU Alliance and funded by DAAD Deepen your knowledge of democratization, rule ...
    On-site visit to Industrialized Wood Construction Company
    Jun - Jun 2023
    In this activity, participants will have the opportunity to visit an industrialized wood construction site in Azuqueca de ...
    Coloquio doctoral: “Cómo gobernar la innovación digital” / Doctoral colloquium: “How should we govern digital innovation”
    May - May 2023
    (English below) Con velocidad arrolladora y tal vez de forma apresurada, las organizaciones se disponen a innovar e ...
    “Green and Intelligent Road Vehicles for Sustainable Transport” Summer School at Bucharest
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2023
    “Green and Intelligent Road Vehicles for Sustainable Transport”  International Summer School at UPB 17 July – 21 July 2023 ...
    Introduction to Science and Tech Diplomacy: the new geopolitics of technology
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2023 - Jan 2024
    Call for Papers Course:Introduction to Science and Tech Diplomacy: the new geopolitics of technology Objectives Deep transformations of ...
    Summer School MATH4ENG
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jul 2023
    In this context, a 2 weeks summer school is organized aiming to improve applied mathematics skills of students ...
    Aquaponics and ecological engineering: from low tech to high tech
    Jun - Jun 2023
    Four talks about Aquaponics and ecological engineering and discussions: Andreas Schönborn: Introduction to Ecological Engineering Ranka Junge: Divergent ...
    2023 Student Unmanned Systems EELISA Competition
    May - Sep 2023
    Competition Purpose. The 2023 Student Unmanned Systems EELISA competition is intended to foster interest in Unmanned Vehicle Systems ...
    Knowledge Bites #15 : How to integrate an Open Science service or data-source into the EOSC portal?
    Course / Seminar
    May - May 2023
    DIY: Build Your First Quadcopter
    Jul - Jul 2023
    Webinar on how to design and build from scratch your own quadcopter with as little money as possible. ...
    Circular Models: Research, innovation, and partnerships towards circularity.
    Jul - Jul 2023
    | Date: 03-05 July 2023, Madrid, Spain | Place: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, ...
    Seed coating a sustainable environmental-friendly approach to improve food production
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Jun 2023
    This course/seminar aims to provide students with basic knowledge about the seed coating, present and future applications, and ...
    Jun - Jun 2023
    | Date: 21st June 2023.| Place: Blended format. Online: Zoom. Face to face: The Pôle Juridique et Judiciaire de l’Université de ...
    BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAMME – Circular Economy in Smart Cities
    Jun - Sep 2023
    The Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Circular Economy in Smart Cities aims to deepen the knowledge of the circular economy and to ...
    Course / Seminar
    Jun - Jul 2023
    Esta formación está dirigida a estudiantes interesados en reflexionar sobre los nuevos desafíos que derivan de los recientes ...
    3rd Workshop and Conference of YRIS Community
    Jun - Jun 2023
    The EELISA Community ‘Young Researchers for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Science’ (YRIS) aims to support young scholars – both Ph.D.-students ...
    CIRC.LE Day
    Jun - Jun 2023
    | Date: 21st June 2023, Bordeaux, France| Place: Blended format. Online: Zoom  (the link to join the activity will be ...
    International Workshop HI-QUAKE
    Jul - Jul 2023
    Highlights to learn and teach about seismic retrofit following the Turkey and Syria 2023 earthquake with the aid ...
    An educational approach on socio-civic challenges
    Course / Seminar
    Jun - Jun 2023
    📢 WEBINAR An educational approach on socio-civic challenges is the umbrella for the webinar, where we will have João Couvaneiro, ...
    µe-bauhaus erlangen-nuremberg meets the bauhaus for transistions paris
    Jun - Jun 2023
    Project kick-off meeting "EELISA BAUHAUS: Joining forces between BAUHAUS initiatives across Europe" Participants: Pascal Le Masson, Maxime Thomas, ...
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Dec 2023
    This 30-hour face-to-face course is an in-depth introduction to design theory. The theory of design (C-K theory) unifies ...
    Proptech Entepreneurship Hackathon
    Jun - Jun 2023
    EELISA Community SusBCC is organising a Proptech Entepreneurship Hackathon, with 24 available onsite spots for students who want ...
    The Future is Green – Metaverse Challenge to Develop Educational Games for Sustainable City Design
    Sep - Sep 2023
    Join the metaverse and gamification challenge for EELISA students! Discover the power of game design and learn about ...
    May - Oct 2023
    Workshops on Multidisciplinary Education Student Needs -inclusiveness and diversity-. This EELISA activity, coordinated by UPB and supported by ...
    PhD student opportunity – TechDiplomacy Workshop in Budapest
    Oct - Oct 2023
    The BME, together with FAU, ITU, and UPM, is organizing an onsite two-day workshop on technology diplomacy (Ethics ...
    Tracking Olympiad 2.0 – Learn how to track things
    Jul - Sep 2023
    Introducing the "Tracking Olympiad," an innovative and dynamic hybrid seminar that combines the captivating world of computer vision ...
    Catalyst Europe 2023, Applications due July 16th!!!
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Sep - Mar 2023
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Community partners participate in Catalyst Europe together with University of Györ, University ...
    5G technology in the digital transformation of healthcare (2nd edition)
    Course / Seminar
    Jun - Jun 2023
    The aim of the course is to present the possibilities that 5G technology brings to the digital transformation ...
    Critical Craft: InterWoven Practices
    Aug - Sep 2023
    Critical Craft: InterWoven Practices Making Space in Sümer Mahallesi, 21 August - 3rd September 2023, Istanbul/Kahramanmaras, Türkiye.   ...
    International Co-Creation Workshops: Benchmarking the Challenge of 15-minute Cities in Europe.
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Sep 2023
    In the Workshops we will work together students, academics, and stakeholders to co-create city wise solutions in different ...
    Sep - Sep 2023
    We are excited to announce a call for participants focused on the development of projects related to the ...
    circular@[action] fall academy: string figures of the waste terrain
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Sep - Sep 2023
    circular@[action] fall academy: string figures of the waste terrain -  a transdisciplinary storytelling of waste through the mediterranean ...
    FIT FOR 55
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The presentation on Fit for 55 was comprehensive, highlighting the objectives and initiatives proposed by the European Commission ...
    ATAG Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Aviation Fuel
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Jul 2023
    Today, we have the privilege of gathering for a significant session of the UNESCO Chair, where we will ...
    Flightpath 2050
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Jul 2023
    The presentation on Flightpath 2050 was enlightening, providing us with a comprehensive overview of the strategic plan's objectives, ...
    FemTechTalk – Transformation, Mindset, New Work
    Oct - Oct 2023
    Take your chance to shape your perspective. Join us at the FemTechTalk: Unleashing the Power of Future Work ...
    AI-driven visions: Post-disaster retrofit and restructuring
    Sep - Sep 2023
    The workshop is the second and final activity of the HI-QUAKE project of the Circular EELISA Community funded ...
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Jul 2023
    During the meeting, the UNESCO Chair team presented a detailed overview of the CORSIA scheme and its implications ...
    Low carbon acreditation
    Course / Seminar
    Jul - Jul 2023
    During the UNESCO Chair meeting, the presentation on Low Carbon Accreditation in Airports was met with great interest ...
    DIGITAL4PPP Workshop
    Nov - Nov 2023
    The workshop is open for PhD students, researchers, academics and professionals to share research and practices and to ...
    3VIA 2023: A circular trivia to promote reduce-reuse-recycle toward zero waste
    Sep - Sep 2023
    Being held annually since 2021 and for the third time this year, 3VIA 2023 is a gamification workshop ...
    International Autumn School on Prospective Modeling and Climate Change: Energy and Water Issues
    Nov - Nov 2023
    The Autumn School on Prospective Modeling and Climate Change: Energy & Water issues, jointly organized by CMA (Centre for ...
    Call Challenge Based Learning – EELISA/UPM – Energy Efficiency Course
    Course / Seminar
    Sep 2023 - Jan 2024
    This activity will be based on the principles of Challenge-Based Learning (CBL). Students will learn to use energy ...
    Technology That is Up to the Task – Developing Interdisciplinary Techno-Solutions to Meet Social Challenges
    Sep - Sep 2023
    This workshop is designed for individuals who want to make a positive impact on society by developing engineering ...
    Nodulated legumes: a tool for sustainable food production
    Oct - Oct 2023
    This activity offers students an opportunity to gain knowledge in a practical way. It is a face-to-face activity ...
    Shall we design a more sustainable future?
    Sep - Sep 2023
    | Place: Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência - National Museum of Science & Natural History, ...
    Oct - Oct 2023
    BUILDING A CIRCULAR FUTURE – THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE | How to apply?: If you would like to ...
    Shrinking Places and Cultural Heritage
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Dec 2023
    An online international seminar linking shrinking places and cultural heritage. If interested, please send an e-mail to receive ...
    Second EELISA Prototype Contest
    Sep - Oct 2023
    Are you ready for the second edition of the EELISA Prototype Contest? The Research & Innovation dimension of ...
    Siemens RIE Erlangen-Nürnberg Conference: Beyond Digital
    Nov - Nov 2023
    Join us for the FAU Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) Erlangen-Nürnberg Conference 2023. Engage with like-minded tech-enthusiasts, ...
    Mathematics Museum π-ensa
    Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
    The Mathematics Museum π-ensa, offers activities to approach and disseminate Mathematics: workshops, conferences, exhibitions and all types of ...
    Oct - Oct 2023
    "Industrial Design 4 Human" (ID4H) is a community that emerges within the UPM in the context of EELISA, an ...
    Open for application
    STEM Fashion
    Nov 2023 - May 2025
    This project is an activity of the π-ensa Museum of Mathematics Classroom Workshop, part of the Mathematical Thinking ...
    A New Trend on Renewable Energy Systems: Shallow Geothermal Energy and Swelling Soils
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Oct 2023
    The program is divided in two separate presentations.  1) A New Trend on Renewable Energy Systems: Shallow Geothermal ...
    Sant’Anna Business Game 2023
    Nov - Nov 2023
    Sant'Anna Business Game is a great chance to extend your network, being in touch with 70 smart students ...
    Quantum technology and the second quantum revolution, now!
    Oct - Oct 2023
    Innovation Talk session #13 As part of EELISA  “Innovation Talks”, Scuola Normale has organised panel discussion exploring the ...
    Is CVPR reproducible? 8.-11. December 2023, Erlangen, Germany
    Dec - Dec 2023
    How reproducible is the CVPR conference?Let's find out together at our Hackathon #FAUhack on Dec. 8th-11th 2023 at ...
    From theory to experiment : Measuring a non-existing photon
    Nov - Nov 2023
    An online talk covering theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum photonic measurements by Yusuf Karlı from University of ...
    Zero Hunger
    Nov - Nov 2023
    WHY WASTE FOOD? is a gamification activity organized in the framework of the Madrid Science and Innovation Week 2023, ...
    State-building in face of crisis: challenges and lessons learned
    Dec - Dec 2023
    On 5-6 December 2023 as part of PACT4Ukraine project and DAAD project “Science Diplomacy in Active Conflicts” Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ...
    Optimization of the management of construction and demolition materials applying Circular Economy methodologies
    Sep - Dec 2023
    In the framework of the call for the implementation of EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning in subjects ...
    Applications of Artificial Intelligence to digital transformation in companies
    Sep - Dec 2023
    In the framework of the call for the implementation of EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning in subjects ...
    Urban i-HUBS: Towards a more equitable and efficient intermodal access
    Oct 2023 - Jul 2024
    Students will face the challenge of achieving a more equitable and efficient access to intermodal urban stations. To ...
    Using virtual reality as a tool for collaborative planning
    Oct 2023 - Jul 2024
    In the early stages of urban and territorial planning, planning agents and the public can interact and deliberate ...
    El Rol de la Educación ante al Reto Demográfico en el Medio Rural (REDMER) – Prácticas de asignatura
    Sep - Jan 2023
    En la parte práctica de la asignatura se aplica una línea específica de aprendizaje basado en retos para ...
    New Generation Quantum Technologies for Medicine
    Jan - Jan 2024
    Leading Turkish physicist Özgür Müstecaplıoğlu will be giving a talk at the Istanbul Technical University on January 5, ...
    QTalk | New Generation Quantum Technologies for Medicine
    Jan - Jan 2024
    Leading Turkish physicist Özgür Müstecaplıoğlu will be giving a talk at the Istanbul Technical University on January 5, ...
    Tutorial of the SIG on Design Theory
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jan - Feb 2024
    The community of the Design Theory SIG of the Design Society, was created in 2007, to strengthen and ...
    Society, Sustainability and Digital Transformation
    Course / Seminar
    Jan - Feb 2024
    Society, Sustainability and Digital Transformation   Society, Sustainability and Digital Transformation (SSTD) is a curricular unit given by ...
    Challenge of advanced driver-assistance system and control units in vehicles
    Feb - Feb 2024
    | Date & time: February 22nd, 13:00 pm (CET). | Place: University of Miskolc, A/4 3. floor, Fintelligence room (and ...
    Engineering a Sustainable Future: Bridging Minds, Building Skills
    Mar - Mar 2024
    Join us online or in person in Istanbul for a transformative workshop to foster collaboration between researchers, educators, and ...
    “Augmented and Virtual Reality for Engineering”
    Course / Seminar
    Mar - Apr 2024
    An ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP) course.  Objectives: All over the world, VR/AR technologies are used today for ...
    Inauguration of the Bauhaus of Transitions
    Social event
    Mar - Mar 2024
    Invitation to the inauguration of the Bauhaus of Transistions - Managing the Unkonwn - Design-Oriented Management Science In ...
    Socio-Civic Challenges in Industry and Services: Circularity and Sustainability
    Course / Seminar
    Mar - Mar 2024
    Socio-Civic Challenges in Industry and Services: Circularity and Sustainability | Date & time: March 13th, 2023. | Place: Zoom (online activity) ...
    Circular Economy in the Energy Sector
    Mar - Mar 2024
    EnergyFEST is an excellent opportunity for professionals working in the energy sector, as well as a place where ...
    World Water Day Awareness Event 2024
    Social event
    Mar - Apr 2024
    To raise awareness of the importance of freshwater and the need to protect and manage it sustainably. To ...
    PROREMOTE – PROximity care in REMOTE areas: A multidisciplinary approach to proximity care in remote areas
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    May - May 2024
    Learning objectives Recently, the importance of promoting local health and ensure proximity of care for patients emerged as ...
    Webinar Series on Aquaponics, Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Part 1.
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Jul 2024
    The innovative and climate-smart and water-saving technologies like hydroponics, bioponics, and aquaponics (i.e., the combination of recirculating aquaculture ...
    FemTechTalk: How to Career – Turning Doubts into Career Well-Being
    Apr - Apr 2024
    Are you inspired to shape your future? Then be prepared to dive into a world of career empowerment ...
    Hack|Bay a hackathon for everyone
    May - May 2024
    At a hackathon, prototypes for given challenges are developed within a short period of time. This is exactly ...
    Starting Business Ideas @FAU
    Apr - Jul 2024
    The "Starting Business Ideas @FAU" workshop series will help you kick-off your idea. Get started with the Business ...
    AIRONE – Artificial Intelligence and RObotics in exteNded rEality
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2024
    Learning objectives In the forthcoming decade, technologies of eXtended Reality (XR), i.e., Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, and ...
    MATMATH Challenge
    Oct 2023 - Apr 2024
    The challenge here is to promote interdisciplinary university training, generating audiovisual educational resources that connect materials engineering with ...
    AFRICONNECTIONS – Transdisciplinary approaches to Development, Security and Innovation
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jun 2024
    Learning objectives Africa has a central role to play in developing solutions to the global challenges of the ...
    TejeMath: Mathematical crochet
    Oct 2023 - May 2024
    TejeMat is an activity of the SSERIES community within the European University Alliance EELISA and the UPM Mathematical ...
    Master Thesis on methodological aspects of energy performance certificates and its effect of energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction
    May - Sep 2024
    This activity is related with the EU directive 'DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL ...
    Non-governmental organizations and socio-civic challenges: Circularity and Sustainability
    May - May 2024
    | Date & time: May 15th, 16:00 pm (CET) | Place: Online (Zoom) | Language: English | Participants: University students of all disciplines and ...
    Optimization of the management of construction and demolition materials applying Circular Economy methodologies II
    Jan - Jun 2024
    In the framework of the call for the implementation of EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning in subjects ...
    Applications of Artificial Intelligence to digital transformation in companies II
    Jan - Jun 2024
    In the framework of the call for the implementation of EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning in subjects ...
    EELISA Open Science Courses Catalogue
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Jun 2024
    The activity is designed to inform EELISA students and researchers about  EELISA Open Science (OS) Courses Catalogue. The ...
    Neuro and Bio-robotics senses and perception
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Dec 2023
    The course explores computational and physical models to emulate the dynamics and efficiency of the activity of biological ...
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Dec 2023
    This 30-hour face-to-face course, held during PSL Week in November 2023 (27/11 to 1/12), is an in-depth introduction ...
    Workshop Series: Remote Sensing & GIS applied to international cooperation. Mapping of territories affected by flooding. Brazil 2024
    Jun - Jun 2024
    GIS & remote sensing are powerful tools for monitoring large areas. Delimiting territories affected by a catastrophe and ...
    BREAKING BOUNDARIES. Circular Design and Stakeholder Synergy in Construction
    Jun - Jun 2024
    What can we learn from these experiences? We begin with a seminar that gathers the experience of professionals. ...
    Jun - Jun 2024
    The Quest for Sustainable Resources in the Circular Economy. | Date & time: June 19th, 14:30 pm (CET) | Place:  ...
    Carbon Footprint & Net Zero
    Jun - Jun 2024
    | Date & time: June 20th, 14:30 pm (CET) | Place:  POLITÉCNICA University of Madrid, School of Civil Engineering, ...
    Circular IT
    Jun - Jun 2024
    Circular IT. TD SYNNEX workshop Coordinator: Manuel Aguirre (TD SYNNEX) | Date & time: June 21st, 14:30 pm (CET) ...
    Research regarding recent developments related to sustainable cities and communities
    Dec - Dec 2023
    Students will present their results of their 4 months research period on sustainability in cities and buildings.
    Nachhaltige Gemeinchaften und Städte. Sustanability cities and communities
    Course / Seminar
    Dec - Dec 2023
    Research of Master Students of ETSII UPM (Industrial Ingeniering) in German III course of topics related with the ...
    Transformaciones urbanas sostenibles en Latinoamérica: manual de prácticas, conceptos y herramientas
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2023 - Jun 2024
    El déficit de referencias y criterios para la sostenibilidad (social, ambiental) en los proyectos de transformación urbana en ...
    Math4MP: Mathematical approaches for multidisciplinary projects
    Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
    This activity aims to foster the collaboration among students, academic staff in Mathematics and other disciplines, within the ...
    CIO 2024 – XXVIII Conference of Organizational Engineering and the 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (ICIEIM)
    Jul - Jul 2024
    Since the approval in 2015 by United Nations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), researchers in any field ...
    Summer school Math4Eng
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jun - Jul 2024
    POLITEHNICA Bucharest Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Robotics and Center for Research and Training in Innovative Techniques of ...
    International Summer School “SOCIAL INNOVATION”
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Jul 2024
    Nowadays, we are living in a rapidly changing world that faces unprecedented challenges and success stories, but along ...
    Supply Chain Resilience Game
    Course / Seminar
    Apr - Apr 2024
    The core of the activity is a supply chain game in which two teams of 3-4 students each, ...
    Summer School at Evosoft in Budapest – Dive into the world of software development, 3D design & prototyping!
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Jul - Aug 2024
    REGISTER HERE: >>>Registration link<<< During the one-week-long professional program at evosoft, students can participate in the development of ...
    Corrosion in green energy technologies
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Aug - Aug 2024
    Corrosion mitigation needs in Green Energy Technologies • Principles and stability issues in PhotoVoltaics • Principles and stability ...
    Talk 1: Energy Efficiency Systems for Sustainable Research and Teaching Campuses
    Sep - Sep 2024
    Gabriela Elena Iordache is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Energy of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, ...
    Talk 2: Energy Efficiency Systems for Sustainable Research and Teaching Campuses
    Sep - Sep 2024
    Gabriela Elena Iordache is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Energy of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, ...
    Summer / Winter / Seasonal schools
    Sep - Sep 2024
    Join the 7th Wetskills Water Challenge in Romania (Bucharest) Wetskills Foundation and partners invite last year Bachelor, Master, ...
    Open for application
    Using virtual reality as a tool for collaborative planning
    Sep 2024 - Jun 2025
    In the early stages of urban and territorial planning, planning agents and the public can interact and deliberate ...
    Female Founders Festival
    Sep - Sep 2024
    Come celebrate women from diverse backgrounds who have overcome their doubts, shattered the glass ceiling and are inspiring ...
    Seminar on Ultra-High Temperature Systems
    Oct - Oct 2024
    The energy sector, driven by the growing public concern over climate change and the increasing energy demand, is ...
    Open for application
    Carne de Ave Europea: Una Selección Sostenible
    Oct - Oct 2024
    Os invitamos a asistir a la conferencia organizado por la Asociación Interprofesional Española de Carne Avícola (AVIANZA), y ...
    Open for application
    10th edition of One Night to Innovate
    Dec - Dec 2024
    École nationale des ponts et chaussées launches the 10th edition of One Night to Innovate together with international ...
    Open for application
    Master’s Thesis – Investment analysis of integrated energy systems.
    Feb - Jul 2025
    The aim of this work is to develop an investment model for the optimal determination of technology assets ...
    Open for application
    EELISA Change Makers: Shaping the future | (Introduction to) Intra-Social-Entrepreneurship
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2024
    Are you ready to bring your innovative ideas to life? This course is designed to equip you with ...
    Open for application
    Master’s Thesis – Modelling and control of a sustainable microgrid energy system
    Feb - Jul 2025
    In recent years, numerous research and development projects have been carried out in the field of renewable energy ...
    Open for application
    Smarter HealthCare for Smarter Cities 2024
    Course / Seminar
    Oct - Nov 2024
    The activity provides a forum for discussion of potential solutions to unmet healthcare needs. Representatives of all stakeholders ...
    Open for application
    Interactive Visualization Workshop: XR Solutions for the Built Environment
    Nov - Nov 2024
    Join our workshop at BME, where you can learn about creating a VR environment. Following an online seminar, ...
    Open for application
    Managing Innovation
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2024 - Feb 2025
    It is free of charge online course for FAU and EELISA students by Professor Bessant. A total of up to ...
    Open for application
    Intellectual Property – Protecting Intangible Assets & Applying for Intellectual Property Rights
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2024 - Feb 2025
    The live online course consists of Basic- and Workshop Modules and is aimed at all researchers and those ...
    Open for application
    Webinar Series on Aquaponics, Aquaculture and Hydroponics Part 2
    Course / Seminar
    Aug - Nov 2024
    The innovative and climate-smart and water-saving technologies like hydroponics, bioponics, and aquaponics (i.e., the combination of recirculating aquaculture ...
    Open for application
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2024
    This 30-hour face-to-face course is an in-depth introduction to managing the unknown with the support of design theory. ...
    Open for application
    MOOC ‘Curves in Engineering and Architecture’
    Course / Seminar
    Oct 2022 - Dec 2024
    If you are interested in knowing how the geometry of curves can be used to solve optimization problems ...
    Open for application
    Oct - Oct 2024
    The planned activities are: Theoretical and practical workshop Design Thinking Practical workshop Successful elevator pitches Prototype development Elevator ...
    Open for application
    Master’s Thesis – Design of a modelling platform for buildings as multi-energy systems
    Feb - Jul 2025
    Modern buildings have an increasing number of different components for the efficient generation, storage and consumption of energy, ...
    Open for application
    Master’s Thesis – Development of an electrical grid simulator for energy market analysis.
    Feb - Jul 2025
    The objective is to design and develop a comprehensive energy market model that incorporates renewable energy sources, energy ...
    Open for application
    Challenge-based human-inspired computer vision
    Oct - Oct 2024
    Join our workshops at FAU - Erlangen, BME - Budapest, and SSSA - Pisa to learn about human-inspired ...
    Transforming Cities: Entrepreneurship, Social Skills, and Design Thinking
    Oct - Oct 2024
    Experience an exhilarating week in Madrid, brimming with design thinking sessions, visits to innovative startups, insightful talks featuring ...
    Open for application
    Neuro and Bio-robotics senses and perception
    Course / Seminar
    Nov - Nov 2024
    The course explores computational and physical models to emulate the dynamics and efficiency of the activity of biological ...

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