Joint call 3 will fund 13 proposals

The following 13 activities have been selected to be funded by Joint call 3, to support challenge based learning among EELISA partners and collaborators. Each lead applicant will be contacted over the coming days to confirm acceptance of the final budget. The following table is thus “provisional” and subject to changes depending on final acceptance of funding and will be updated as the activities are scheduled and added to the Community platform.

We would like to thank all applications received, a total of 21. All of them were quite interdisciplinary and the distribution among partners was impressive, a sign that EELISA Communties are strong and healthy. Unfortunately, mostly due to budgetary restrictions, 8 proposals are not able to be funded at this time. Each lead applicant will be contacted over the coming days to provide feedback from the evaluation committee to help them to be funded in the future.

As a general comment regarding the evaluation procedure, we attempted to make it as transparent as possible, with one person from each partner university (n=10 EELISA partners) evaluating each proposal (n=21) from June 17th to 25th. After that, a meeting was held on June 26th, to rank all proposals by number, with the results commented above. Fortunately, the general feeling was the that numerical ranking corresponded well with a general appreciation of the quality of each proposal and its possible impact.

We would like to thank all applicants, all reviewers and the EELISA central office for their help with this call.

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