
Master’s Thesis – Investment analysis of integrated energy systems.

The aim of this work is to develop an investment model for the optimal determination of technology assets which are to be installed within an integrated energy system. The considered technologies include generation, conversion and storage ...

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    The aim of this work is to develop an investment model for the optimal determination of technology assets which are to be installed within an integrated energy system. The considered technologies include generation, conversion and storage units, primarily with respect to electricity but also accounting for relevant alternative carriers such as gas/hydrogen and district heating. A comprehensive mathematical model of the physical equations is to be developed, which replicates system behaviour by ensuring that the requested load is fulfilled by the available mix of technologies. The decision process associated with installing a given technology with a specific rating is to be integrated within the model itself, allowing for the evaluation of alternative combinations of featured units. A variety of objective functions can be envisaged and will be investigated, consisting primarily of economic cost minimisation and/or emissions reduction. Alternative scenarios can also be considered in terms of future evolutions of technology costs and characteristics, in order to account for varying numerical boundary conditions.

    Participation requirements

    Bachelor's degree in electrical/energy/industrial/systems engineering. The work can be carried out either in person at ZHAW or via synchronous remote supervision (=online meeting via Teams or Zoom with supervisor)

    Open for application
    Synchronous remote
    17 Feb - 14 Jul 2025
    30 ECTS *

    * If you would like to receive ECTS for your home degree program, please clarify credibility of the activity with your local study and degree coordinator beforehand.
