Social Science Garage Emergency Workshop for Engineers (SS4E)
The SS4E is a 2 day hybrid hands-on course/workshop that will assist students and researchers at various levels to equip themselves with indispensable tools for developing, designing and implementing effective engineering projects with social impact.
“An engineer and a social scientist walk into a bar and start talking about their research over a beer. And…”
This is a two day long workshop for students and researchers from engineering backgrounds that seeks to unearth and address challenges and conundrums faced by engineering students and researchers in their projects that have direct and/or indirect social impact. The workshop will equip participants with necessary conceptual and theoretical tools in the social sciences to help improve participants’ skills in thinking holistically and critically about developing engineering projects contributing to SDGs. It will provide a platform to share their experience and critically reflect upon their projects and converse with their colleagues about how to improve their projects more effectively through including social aspects in their works/projects, with special attention to the SDGs.
“Social Science Emergency Workshop for Engineers” lasts two days with a total of 6 hours devoted to lectures/teaching and 6 hours to participatory activity. The teaching section will focus on elaborating and discussing with participants social science concepts and perspectives that are indispensable for sensitizing engineering students and researchers the stakes of developing projects with social impact. During the remaining 6 hours of participatory activity, workshop participants (grouped into their level of competency as students, researchers, professors) will communicate their research projects and discuss their shortcomings when viewed from a sociological perspective and how these shortcomings could be improved to enhance their social impact.
Support options for travel and accomodation
Travel and accommodation might be covered or supported by your institution, please contact your local EELISA project coordinator.
Institution | Contact person(s) and position | Email address |
BME | Sára Tóvölgyi / Kata Kapusy / Sándor Kiss | |
ENPC | Marie Christine Bert | |
FAU | Eike Trost | |
ITÜ | Emrah Acar | |
PSL | Camille Roger | |
PSL-Chimie | Antoine Mercier | |
PSL-Mines | Alma Catala Luna | |
SNS | Nicola Tasinato | |
SSSA | Claudia Ambrogi | |
UPB | Mariana Munteanu | |
UPM | María Luisa Martínez Muneta | |
Participation requirements
Students (bachelor, master, and PhD), researchers and university professors of the EELISA Alliance institutions and Spanish collaborating institutions.
Max. participants: 36
UPM, Rectorado Building B, Paseo Juan XXIII 11. 28040 Madrid
Depending on the level of involvement, participants will receive different EELISA badges: i) Those who participate in the sessions without doing presentations will obtain level 2 badges (knowledge). ii) Those who present their works will receive level 3 badges (commitment). iii) Online attendances will receive level 2 badges.
* If you would like to receive ECTS for your home degree program, please clarify credibility of the activity with your local study and degree coordinator beforehand.