Archaeology and Architecture

Methodology and Perspectives on Mediterranean Cultural Heritage
The main objective of our EELISA Community “Architecture and Archaeology. Methodology and Perspectives on Mediterranean Cultural Heritage” is to foster a multidisciplinary approach towards the management and the study of archaeological sites, museums, monuments, and landscapes. Our mission is to promote a new generation of professionals aware of the complexity and challenges in the different fields of cultural heritage. It is our common feeling that conservation, restoration, preservation, and valorization of the Mediterranean Cultural Heritage has to be grounded on sound and shared competence in training future engineers, architects, and archaeologists. For this reason, theoretical discussions will be paired to and balanced by field activities, as such excavations, surveys, and research at significant archaeological areas, like the UNESCO site of Agrigento (Sicily).
Yearly, the community organizes summer school, characterized by strong trans-disciplinarity between the humanities, sciences, and technology: undergraduate and graduate students will have an opportunity to familiarize with methods and practices about field methodologies, ancient art history, architecture, geology, legislation, point cloud and image-based documentation, 3D modeling, GIS, data management and storing.
As a future perspective, the community might integrate the experiences gained during the summer schools with an interdisciplinary international course or master program.
Create a European network, develop shared good practices, integrate knowledge from different disciplinary areas, create a link between academic and archaeological institutions, and educate students and visitors to Cultural heritage.
Seminars, summer schools, field activities, meetings, students’ exchange
Scuola Normale Superiore (Gianfranco Adornato); Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Massimo Bergamasco; Marcello Carrozzino); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Alvaro Ridruejo; Fernando Vela Cossio); Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (Zeynep Kuban Tokgöz; Umut Almac; Bilge Ar; Görkem Gunay)