Sustainable Food Production (SFP)

According to the European Commission, a sustainable food system should have a neutral or positive environmental impact, help to mitigate climate change, and adapt to its impacts, reverse the loss of biodiversity, and ensure food security, nutrition, and public health. The Sustainable food production (SFP) EELISA Community will explore strategies under the premise that a sustainable food system should ensure and contribute to all elements of environmental, social, and economic sustainability. To this end the community will provide activities for EELISA members related to crop production, animal production, water management, nitrogen fertilisation, and management of equipment to increase sustainability in food production. The different activities designed in the SFP EELISA community will try to make the students focus on the different topics and inputs critical to increase sustainability of the whole process.

David Menoyo
Associate Professor
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas, Producción Agraria

Mariagrazia Alabrese
Associate Professor
Instituto DIRPOLIS

Meral KiliÇ
Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Food Engineering