Engineering & Architecture responding to societal challenges, cultural heritage & common European identity (HEAR-European Identity)

Our mission is to promote an European university ecosystem to reclaim and rethink the engineering and architecture essential role in the Europe physical and identity construction, with a set of specific proposals.
The community aims to explore the Engineering and Architecture social and educational value in Europe, as a common heritage, and as a catalyst of processes: European identity consolidation, social cohesion, local cultures formation and human welfare. Furthermore, the community aims to develop a proactive attitude, through a collaborative, interdisciplinary and transversal work oriented towards specific problems such as the vulnerability of the communities that inhabit certain European territories, for example rural areas or the suburbs of some European cities; the economic gap between population strata and the physical isolation of regions, and how engineering and architecture can respond to these problems and provide solutions. It is also the aim of this community to promote the European identity of its citizens, particularly engineering and architecture students, highlighting how both disciplines have been, and still are, a main factor in bringing cultures and peoples together in Europe. In short, it encourages the emotional bond and the belonging feeling to a vast territory, which has been built up thanks, to a large extent, to the engineering and architecture works.