Clean water

Impact levelLearning objectives
Discovery1. The learner is made aware of the importance of water for life.
2. The learner discovers that not all populations have the same access to water.
3. The learner learns about the strategies for managing drinking water and sanitation facilities.
Knowledge1. The learner understands water as a fundamental condition of life itself, the importance of water quality and quantity, and the causes, effects and consequences of water pollution and water scarcity.
2. The learner understands that water is part of many different complex global interrelationships and systems.
3. The learner knows about the global unequal distribution of access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
4. The learner understands the concept of “virtual water”.
5. The learner understands the concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and other strategies for ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation, including flood and drought risk management
Commitment1. The learner is able to participate in activities of improving water and sanitation management in local communities.
2. The learner is able to communicate about water pollution, water access and water saving measures and to create visibility about success stories.
3. The learner is able to feel responsible for their water use.
4. The learner is able to see the value in good sanitation and hygiene standards.
5. The learner is able to question socio-economic differences as well as gender disparities in the access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
Action1. The learner is able to cooperate with local authorities in the improvement of local capacity for self-sufficiency.
2. The learner is able to contribute to water resources management at the local level.
3. The learner is able to reduce their individual water footprint and to save water practicing their daily habits.
4. The learner is able to plan, implement, evaluate and replicate activities that contribute to increasing water quality and safety.
5. The learner is able to evaluate, participate in and influence decision-making on management strategies of local, national and international enterprises related to water pollution.
Transformation1. The learner organises or co-organises a collective action to influence decisions at a certain level (local, national or international) and promotes safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
2. The learner initiates tangible and measurable actions within a group.
3. The learner settles, within a group, levers to transform the practices of a target population.