At these times, we learn to appreciate again the times of peace and prosperity we had in Europe for a long time. Reaching this vision for all people and the planet, now and in the future is envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that all United Nations Member States adopted in 2015. At the heart of this Agenda 2030 are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which serve as a main concept of action for the European University EELISA. All missions and activities of EELISA Communities, be it in the area of education, research, innovation or third mission, are orientated towards contributing to accomplishing the SDGs.
To proof that students who participate in EELISA Communities are active in achieving the SDGs, we developed the EELISA Credential. The EELISA Credential is a “passport” or a “map” in which EELISA students can collect badges. Students can acquire badges after their participation in learning experiences that are organized within EELISA Communities. There are 17 SDGs and 5 learning outcome levels, which lead, multiplied by each other to a maximum of 85 different badges a student can achieve.