SDG 13

Climate action

Impact levelLearning objectives
Discovery1. The learner is made aware of the concepts of climate change and greenhouse effect.
2. The learner discovers regional inequalities in the face of climate changen.
3. The learner discovers the different ecological changes affected by climate change.
4. The learner learns about the strategies developed by governments and other actors to reduce climate change.
Knowledge1. The learner understands the greenhouse effect as a natural phenomenon caused by an insulating layer of greenhouse gases.
2. The learner understands the current climate change as an anthropogenic phenomenon resulting from increased greenhouse gas emissions.
3. The learner knows which human activities – on a global, national, local and individual level – contribute most to climate change.
4. The learner knows about the main ecological, social, cultural and economic consequences of climate change locally, nationally and globally and understands how these can themselves become catalysing, reinforcing factors for climate change.
5. The learner knows about prevention, mitigation and adaptation strategies at different levels (global to individual) and for different contexts and their connections with disaster response and disaster risk reduction.
Commitment1. The learner is able to explain ecosystem dynamics and the environmental, social, economic and ethical impact of climate change.
2. The learner is able to encourage others to protect the climate.
3. The learner is able to collaborate with others and to develop commonly agreed-upon strategies to deal with climate change.
4. The learner is able to understand their personal impact on the world’s climate, from a local to a global perspective.
5. The learner is able to recognize that the protection of the global climate is an essential task for everyone and that we need to completely re-evaluate our worldview and everyday behaviours in light of this.
Action1. The learner is able to evaluate whether their private and job activities are climate friendly and – where not – to revise them.
2. The learner is able to act in favour of people threatened by climate change.
3. The learner is able to anticipate, estimate and assess the impact of personal, local and national decisions or activities on other people and world regions.
4. The learner is able to promote climate-protecting public policies.
5. The learner is able to support climate-friendly economic activities.
Transformation1. The learner organises or co-organises a collective action to influence decisions at a certain level (local, national or international) and fights greenhouse effect.
2. The learner initiates tangible and measurable actions within a group.
3. The learner settles, within a group, levers to transform the practices of a target population.