SDG 14

Life below water

Impact levelLearning objectives
Discovery1. The learner is made aware of the concepts of life below water.
2. The learner discovers the links between life below water and climate change.
3. The learner discovers threats to ocean systems.
4. The learner learns about the strategies developed by governments and other actors to to promote the sustainable use of aquatic resources.
Knowledge1. The learner understands basic marine ecology, ecosystems, predator-prey relationships, etc.
2. The learner understands the connection of many people to the sea and the life it holds, including the sea’s role as a provider of food, jobs and exciting opportunities.
3. The learner knows the basic premise of climate change and the role of the oceans in moderating our climate.
4. The learner understands threats to ocean systems such as pollution and overfishing and recognizes and can explain the relative fragility of many ocean ecosystems including coral reefs and hypoxic dead zones.
5. The learner knows about opportunities for the sustainable use of living marine resources.
Commitment1. The learner is able to argue for sustainable fishing practices.
2. The learner is able to show people the impact humanity is having on the oceans (biomass loss, acidification, pollution, etc.) and the value of clean healthy oceans.
3. The learner is able to influence groups that engage in unsustainable production and consumption of ocean products.
4. The learner is able to reflect on their own dietary needs and question whether their dietary habits make sustainable use of limited resources of seafood.
5. The learner is able to empathize with people whose livelihoods are affected by changing fishing practices.
Action1. The learner is able to research their country’s dependence on the sea.
2. The learner is able to debate sustainable methods such as strict fishing quotas and moratoriums on species in danger of extinction.
3. The learner is able to identify, access and buy sustainably harvested marine life, e.g. ecolabel certified products.
4. The learner is able to contact their representatives to discuss overfishing as a threat to local livelihoods.
5. The learner is able to campaign for expanding no-fish zones and marine reserves and for their protection on a scientific basis.
Transformation1. The learner organises or co-organises a collective action to influence decisions at a certain level (local, national or international) and promotes sustainable actions for life below water.
2. The learner initiates tangible and measurable actions within a group.
3. The learner settles, within a group, levers to transform the practices of a target population.